How to Enroll Someone Into Your Network
How to Enroll Someone Into Your Network Who Tried MLM Before
Copyright (c) 2000 by Joshua D. Shafran
This issue's topic is: Learning how to enroll someone into your network who tried MLM before, had a poor experience with it and now breaks out in hives at the mere thought of MLM or Network Marketing.
I love to deal with these types of people. They're a lot of fun and usually fairly easy to sponsor... provided you've got a real, legitimate opportunity, a good solid company, and you are person of your word. Let me explain.
Because these people have tried MLM before (unless they are just MLM junkies who are looking for a something-for-nothing, get rich quick scheme) you can immediately deduce a few things about them:
1. They are ideal prospects because at some point in the past they were excited about and believers in MLM (otherwise they wouldn't have tried it to begin with).
2. They want more out of their present situation. They are (or were) dissatisfied with something in their life that they thought MLM would solve for them.
3. They were willing to take at least some action to change their situation (rather than just complain about it).
4. They think the MLM industry let them down... and therefore assume that every other company (or downline organization) in the industry are all the same.
Knowing these things gives you the upper-hand in the sponsoring process. But, before you can attempt to enroll this type of prospect into your opportunity, there are two things that you MUST find out.
1. The REAL reason your prospect thinks MLM let him/her down.
What went wrong to turn them against MLM?
To find this out, you could say, "I know you're not interested in MLM and I wouldn't dream of trying to change your mind, but I was wondering if you could help me out... could you tell me what went wrong; was it that you lost a bunch of money?
Did the person who sponsored you lie to you? Did the company go outof business?" And so on. (You want to give them some specifics to get their mind rolling and coming up with ideas.)
2. The main thing(s) that originally appealed and excited them enough to try MLM to begin with.
Here again you want to give them some specifics to get their mind rolling, like, "What was it that had you try MLM; was it the promise of only having to do the work once and getting
paid residuals for the rest of your life? Was it the thought of firing your boss? The unlimited earnings potential?" Get the idea?
It's vital to find these 2 things out. This way you know what you're up against. If you ask lots of open-ended questions, get them talking and they will tell you exactly what they need to
hear to have you sponsor them!
Now, as you set out to uncover the truth behind these 2 issues remember... do not EVER attack their position or make them wrong for their point of view. Do NOT argue; just ask them questions with the GENUINE intention of really finding out exactly what went wrong and what excited them to begin with.
Once you know those two things, your prospect is ready to be led (with the right questions) into taking an honest, open-minded look at your opportunity. Here's how: Ask them...
"Do you ever eat out at restaurants?"
"What's your favorite (non fast-food) restaurant?"
"Have you ever gone to that restaurant and had the food or the service not be up to par?"
(If the answer is "no" then ask them if it is possible that they could go there tomorrow and have a less than favorable experience with the restaurant?)
"Did you stop going to restaurants forever as a result of that one negative experience?" (Or would you stop going to all restaurants if this happened?)
"I don't mean to make light of your previous MLM experience, but like the restaurant, you just had a bad experience. And that's unfortunate, but it doesn't mean that every MLM opportunity is bad and will let you down. Why don't you sit down with me for 30 minutes and let me show you how... [Then fill in here with all the things you uncovered about what originally excited them with MLM and tell them you can show them the "safeguards" in place to protect them from experiencing the same MLM pitfalls]
If your prospect is still looking for another way, you'll find that 8 or 9 times out of 10 this approach (or a variation more to your personality) will work.
Try it... you'll see it works!
Copyright (c) 2000 by Joshua D. Shafran
This issue's topic is: Learning how to enroll someone into your network who tried MLM before, had a poor experience with it and now breaks out in hives at the mere thought of MLM or Network Marketing.
I love to deal with these types of people. They're a lot of fun and usually fairly easy to sponsor... provided you've got a real, legitimate opportunity, a good solid company, and you are person of your word. Let me explain.
Because these people have tried MLM before (unless they are just MLM junkies who are looking for a something-for-nothing, get rich quick scheme) you can immediately deduce a few things about them:
1. They are ideal prospects because at some point in the past they were excited about and believers in MLM (otherwise they wouldn't have tried it to begin with).
2. They want more out of their present situation. They are (or were) dissatisfied with something in their life that they thought MLM would solve for them.
3. They were willing to take at least some action to change their situation (rather than just complain about it).
4. They think the MLM industry let them down... and therefore assume that every other company (or downline organization) in the industry are all the same.
Knowing these things gives you the upper-hand in the sponsoring process. But, before you can attempt to enroll this type of prospect into your opportunity, there are two things that you MUST find out.
1. The REAL reason your prospect thinks MLM let him/her down.
What went wrong to turn them against MLM?
To find this out, you could say, "I know you're not interested in MLM and I wouldn't dream of trying to change your mind, but I was wondering if you could help me out... could you tell me what went wrong; was it that you lost a bunch of money?
Did the person who sponsored you lie to you? Did the company go outof business?" And so on. (You want to give them some specifics to get their mind rolling and coming up with ideas.)
2. The main thing(s) that originally appealed and excited them enough to try MLM to begin with.
Here again you want to give them some specifics to get their mind rolling, like, "What was it that had you try MLM; was it the promise of only having to do the work once and getting
paid residuals for the rest of your life? Was it the thought of firing your boss? The unlimited earnings potential?" Get the idea?
It's vital to find these 2 things out. This way you know what you're up against. If you ask lots of open-ended questions, get them talking and they will tell you exactly what they need to
hear to have you sponsor them!
Now, as you set out to uncover the truth behind these 2 issues remember... do not EVER attack their position or make them wrong for their point of view. Do NOT argue; just ask them questions with the GENUINE intention of really finding out exactly what went wrong and what excited them to begin with.
Once you know those two things, your prospect is ready to be led (with the right questions) into taking an honest, open-minded look at your opportunity. Here's how: Ask them...
"Do you ever eat out at restaurants?"
"What's your favorite (non fast-food) restaurant?"
"Have you ever gone to that restaurant and had the food or the service not be up to par?"
(If the answer is "no" then ask them if it is possible that they could go there tomorrow and have a less than favorable experience with the restaurant?)
"Did you stop going to restaurants forever as a result of that one negative experience?" (Or would you stop going to all restaurants if this happened?)
"I don't mean to make light of your previous MLM experience, but like the restaurant, you just had a bad experience. And that's unfortunate, but it doesn't mean that every MLM opportunity is bad and will let you down. Why don't you sit down with me for 30 minutes and let me show you how... [Then fill in here with all the things you uncovered about what originally excited them with MLM and tell them you can show them the "safeguards" in place to protect them from experiencing the same MLM pitfalls]
If your prospect is still looking for another way, you'll find that 8 or 9 times out of 10 this approach (or a variation more to your personality) will work.
Try it... you'll see it works!