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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

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Mastering the Art of Getting Great Ideas

Selling is a business that requires a great deal of creativity. As with any other area of expertise, it requiresattention and dedication in order to stay fresh.
How do you practice the art of getting great ideas? Some people do it naturally. They've made selling their hobby and are always on the look out for ideas they come across in lifein general that might apply to a selling situation.

If you haven't given much thought to keeping your creativity level high, here are a few ideas for getting those rusty gears in action.

There are six requirements for great ideas: want and need,exactness, preparation, belief, and execution.

Want And Need...

You won't get ideas unless you somehow tell your subconscious mind that you both need and really want ideas.The key word here is want. It's far more important to wantideas than to merely need them.

Understanding this distinction is crucial. All constant losers, compulsive gamblers, and confirmed alcoholicsdesperately need new ideas to change their direction beforeit's too late.
Since positive ideas are everywhere, why don't these people jump on some of them? Because they don't want to stop doing what's hurting them; they don't want to pay the price ofsuccess; they don't want to face realities of living; theydon't want to change.


You have to know the specific kind of solutions you want. Consistently successful writers, such as John Grisham think of exciting scenes when he needs them because he knows exactly what he wants - ideas for great suspense stories.

We all want ideas that will make us millions. Unfortunately,that's not specific enough to let the subconscious mind do its work. You can't pull important and specific ideas out of your subconscious mind until you've posed important andspecific challenges to it.


Nothing is free. Profitable innovation and effective imagination are no exception to this rule. Inventiveness and creativity aren't gifts that a lucky few use effortlessly -that notion is false.
After you've paid the price, your imagination will soar andinnovative ideas will flow from your brain. The price forthat result has to be paid with study, with experience-gaining work, and with alert thought.

You create ideas by becoming specific in your thinking and thorough with your study of a subject that excites you.Success-building ideas come only to those who look for them vigorously and intelligently.


Your subconscious mind wants to be used; it wants to be controlled intelligently; it wants to help you grow and win and be happy. So it will go along with self-instructionsthat aren't true today in order to help you make them true tomorrow.

But it won't allow you to fool it forever. In the laborious process of creating ideas, your subconscious mind has toknow that some of them will be used. Not necessarily all of them - or even most of them. But a few of them must be used.

Otherwise the flow will eventually be choked off. The morei deas you use and benefit from, the more ideas you'll have and the better they'll be.


The profit of great ideas comes when you turn them intoreality. Get rid of the delusion that you can have a great idea and then get someone else to work out the details.

The details are the invention. Unless you work out the details in a practical way, you can't control the profit that can be made from your great idea.

Pick a limited field to specialize in. Learn everything that's already known about that subject. Work in that field by taking the best job you can find in it rather than abetter one elsewhere. Then start thinking every hour ofevery day about what can be done to improve performance in your specialty.

When you've done all these things, valuable ideas will start flowing out of your mind. Success is doing, not wishing.


Tom Hopkins International
7531 E. 2nd St., Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Tel: (480) 949-0786 or 800/528-0446
Fax: (480) 949-1590


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